März 2023

Do.30März20:00Die Veranstaltung ist vorbeiAllureContemporary JazzZeit:20:00 - 22:00 Uhr


Mechanical and organic, violent and calm, „Allure trio“ feeds on these dualities.

Formed around the composer and bassist Ulysse Loup, the trio explores the world of contemporary jazz. Inspired by the sound textures of free improvisation, the strict writing of contemporary music and the many rhythms of jazz, the trio’s music plays around stylistic boundaries. Navigating between strict writing and improvisation, the trio’s primary objective is the search for „sound“

Their first album „Apilaptok“ is set to release in February 2023. Written in Greenland, this album translates to music the great wild spaces that are sometimes calm but often violent.

Piano: Daniel Hernandez
Bass/composition: Ulysse Loup
Drums: Michael Cina

Weitere Infos
Webseite: ulysseloup.com
Bandcamp: ulysseloup.bandcamp.com/album/apilaptok
Spotify: open.spotify.com



19:00 Uhr

Eintrittspreis (Barzahlung)

CHF 25.00 (regulär) / 15.00 (AHV, IV, Ausbildung)


AHV, IV, Gäste in Ausbildung, SUB, La clé, Prozentbuch, KulturLegi & Jugendkulturpass 16–26


Sitzplätze, freie Platzwahl

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